British Fashion Festival:
More than just a fashion show
Concentrated opportunities, communication, knowledge sharing, celebration, glorifying international culture and fun!
The only way is up!
How to submit your design
- Things you need to know
- Find out whether your work eligible to enter
- Submission Fees
- What happens after a successful submission
Things you need to know
By entering your work (design, look) into the British Fashion Festival ("BFF" hereinafter), you are entering into a great community of celebrated fashion artists and fashion industry leaders who truly value their work, therefore BFF has to set down a set of rules and conditions that you will read and understand before submitting your work. As you start entering your work to be considered ("the Entry" hereinafter), you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted BFF Terms and Conditions ("T&Cs" hereinafter) and that you will confirm you will comply with them.
A full list of Submission Terms and Conditions are available on request.
- You granted all the necessary rights to BFF to assess the Entry for the BFF jury and its attendees; for BFF to use screenshots, stills or excerpts of the submitted works both visual and in audible form if applicablr, in online and printed material related to the Entry and/or BFF. In case pictures from the process of design, manufacturing, sales, etc., or other marketing material exists, you granted the necessary rights for the BFF to use them in their online and offline materials produced.
- In the event of the Entry is shortlisted or nominated for an award, you will produce a high quality, digital projectable copy (minimum resolution of Full HD) of the requeste items in relation to the nominated/shortlisted item, in one of the acceptable formats at least 7 business days prior to the BFF award's night.
- You confirm that you have the correct rights and authority to submit the Entry to BFF and that you have the authority to provide the necessary rights to BFF for your Entry to be considered. You confirm that you indemnify and hold BFF harmless from and against any, and all actual and possible claims in present and in the future including but not limited to liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered.
- You confirm that you are aware of your own contractual obligations in submitting the Entry and therefore you confirm you're not in a breach of your obligations by doing so.
- BFF jury spend a significant amount of time and resources to consider your Entry, therefore, the submission fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
See if your work is eligible to enter
BFF does NOT consider any of the following as eligible as an Entry
List of materials BFF does NOT accept
- Any pornographic material
- Any materials that may contain threats to a individual or a group of people or a legally established entity or any place
- Materials that may glorify terrorism or any violence (including self-harm), racism or breach of any English applicable laws
Any such entry, even if paid won't be eligible to entre to the festival and will be removed from the Festival's register without prior notice.
Submission Fees
To support our community during COVID-19 pandemic and crisis, British Fashion Festival offers 0% off on submission fees for 2021 festival.Students can submit their works free of charge in any category, subject to terms and conditions of studentship.
- Students £20 (student's ID confirmation is required Please see eligibility criteria)
- Best Fashion Designer 100
- Best Costume Designer 90
- Best Emerging Talent 35
- Best Hatter 50
- Best Fabric Designer 50
- Best Jewellery Designer 100
- Best Accessories Designer 50
- Best Bag Designer 75
- Best Shoe Maker 75
- Best Watchmaker 90
- Best Fashion Photographer 50
- Best Model (All ages and genders) 90
- Best Hair Stylist 50
- Best Makeup Artist 50
- Fashion Icon of the year 125
- Brand of the year 150
- Best Makeup Brand 150
- Best Innovation in fashion 35
What happens after a successful Submission
The deadline for the competition submission is 30th of November.
The festival's jury will consider and review all works entries that are submitted successfully before the deadline.
The British Fashion Festival will be taking place online in December, and will announce the list of winners on the "Winners' page" of the festival website.
It is important for us to have your correct postal address
- Winners: British Fashion Festival will post the winners certificates to their addresses via a selected international courier.
- Nominees: All shortlisted and nominees will receive their Official Selection certificates.
- Participants: We celebrate creativity and creation. All submissions will receive Authenticated Participant badge.